The Redemptoris Mater Seminaries.
The Redemptoris Mater Seminaries are one of the most important fruits of the conciliar renovation. A completely new reality, inaugurated by the Second Vatican Council which in its decree Presbyterorum Ordinis writes in n. 10:
"The priests will remember that they must have at heart the concern of all the churches ... Where the conditions of the apostolate will claim (the lack of clergy), it will facilitate not only an appropriate distribution of priests, but also Particular pastoral activities ... It may be useful to create for this purpose international seminars for the common good of the whole Church ..., according to modalities to be established in the respect of the rights of local Ordinaries".
In 1991, the interdicasterial commission, formed by Pope John Paul II to resolve the serious lack of priests in many parts of the world, acknowledged that
"This idea of the Council found an implementation in the Redemptoris Mater seminaries where the priests are prepared for the New Evangelization, according to the program of the Neocatechumenal Way ... We can also say that it is the implementation of a new form of ministry:"the diocesan missionary" "(Osservatore Romano 15.03.1991).
Today there are more than 100 Redemptoris Mater seminars in the world, many of which are in capital cities: Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Vienna, Washington, Mexico, Bogota, Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Seoul, Karachi, Taiwan, Sidney, Dar El Salem, Kampala, Cape Town, Luanda,